New Charges in effect from 1st November 2022

Faculty members and researchers of SRM group of institutions, external academic institutions and industries can avail the following facilities.
Service charges:

Sr. No Facility Name
  • Revised charges effective from 01-11-2022.
  • Charges include GST.
  • Consumable/Sample handling charges are extra with slot.
SRM faculty user* External Users
Academic faculty user Others
1 Hi-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM) Rs. 500/Slot
*The Charge is Changed to
Rs.300 With effect from 1st Nov 2022
Rs. 2250/Slot Rs. 5000/Slot
1(i) HRTEM-one carbon coated copper grid Rs. 250 Rs. 250 Rs. 250
1(ii) HRTEM-EDS measurement Rs. 100 Rs. 100 Rs. 100
1(iii) HRTEM-Sample preparation/handling Rs. 250/Slot Rs. 250/Slot Rs. 250/Slot
2(i) X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD)- Low or wide angle Rs. 150/Hour
(4 samples)
Rs. 1000/Hour
(4 samples)
Rs. 2000/Hour
(4 samples)
2(ii) X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD)- GI mode Rs. 250/Hour
(1 samples)
Rs. 1500/Hour
(1 samples)
Rs. 2500/Hour
(1 samples)
3 Nitrogen Adsorption/Desorption Analyzer Rs. 1200/Sample Rs. 1500/Sample Rs. 1500/Sample
4 Hi-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (HR-SEM) Rs. 500/Slot
*The Charge is Changed to
Rs.300 With effect from 1st Nov 2022
Rs. 3000/Slot Rs. 5500/Slot
4(i) Sputter Coater Rs. 100 Rs. 500 Rs. 500
4(ii) Critical Point Drier Rs. 500 Rs. 1000 Rs. 1500
4(iii) Grid (if needed for STEM mode) Rs. 250 Rs. 250 Rs. 250
4(iv) HRSEM-Sample preparation/handling Rs. 250/Slot Rs. 250/Slot Rs. 250/Slot
5 Teecan Infinite M2000 Pro Nano Quant Free Free Free
6 Biorad Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) Rs. 150 per reaction Without consumables Rs. 200 per reaction Without consumables Rs. 250 per reaction Without consumables
7 SYNGENE–GBOX-Chemi-XRQ Gel Documentation System Free Free Free
8 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC) Rs. 200/Sample Rs. 500/Sample Rs. 1000/Sample
9 High Resolution Mass Spectrometer Rs. 250/Sample Rs. 500/Sample Rs. 1000/Sample
10 Mini Micro Pulse Lidar Rs. 500/day Rs. 1000/day Rs. 2000/day
11 Metallurgical Microscope Rs. 50 for 30 minutes Rs. 250 for 30 minutes Rs. 400 for 30 minutes
12 Quartz vacuum sealing set up INR 500 (W/O quartz tube) and INR 750 (with quartz tube) INR 750 (W/O quartz tube) and INR 1000 (with quartz tube) INR 1500 (W/O quartz tube) and INR 1750(with quartz tube)
13 Plasma cleaner INR 150 for 1 hour in atmospheric condition and INR 300 for 1 hour for using Oxygen and Argon gas. INR 250 for 1 hour in atmospheric condition and INR 500 for 1 hour for using Oxygen and Argon gas. INR 350 for 1 hour in atmospheric condition and INR 700 for 1 hour for using Oxygen and Argon gas.
14 Photoluminescence Spectrometer Rs. 50 for 30 minutes Rs. 250 for 30 minutes Rs. 400 for 30 minutes
15 Optical Profilometer Rs. 50 for 30 minutes Rs. 250 for 30 minutes Rs. 400 for 30 minutes
16 Solar Simulator Rs. 50 for 30 minutes Rs. 250 for 30 minutes Rs. 400 for 30 minutes
Revised rate is effective from August 1st 2023 for the Instruments 14,15 and 16
14 a Photoluminescence Spectrometer – steady state Rs. 75 for 30 minutes Rs. 300 for 30 minutes Rs. 500 for 30 minutes
14 b Photoluminescence Spectrometer – Quantum yield/NIR/Temperature dependent Rs. 150 for 30 minutes Rs. 600 for 30 minutes Rs. 1000 for 30 minutes
15 Optical Profilometer Rs. 75 for 30 minutes Rs. 300 for 30 minutes Rs. 500 for 30 minutes
16 Solar Simulator Rs. 75 for 30 minutes Rs. 300 for 30 minutes Rs. 500 for 30 minutes
17 Scanning Tunneling Microscope (pA-STM) Rs. 1500/Sample Rs. 3000/Sample Rs. 6000/Sample
18 LightCycler® 96 Real-Time PCR System Rs. 200/Slot Rs. 300/Slot Rs. 500/Slot
19 Trace Analyser (Metrohm) Rs. 250/Slot Rs. 500/Slot Rs. 1000/Slot
20 High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Rs. 500/Slot Rs. 1500/Slot Rs. 3000/Slot
21 Vickers Hardness Tester INR 50 per sample (upto 10 readings) [including GST] INR 100 per sample (upto 10 readings) [including GST] INR 200 per sample (upto 10 readings) [including GST]
22(i) Zeta sizer (Particle size analysis) INR 100 [including GST] INR 200 [including GST] INR 300 [including GST]
22(ii) Zeta sizer (Zeta potential) INR 100 [including GST] INR 200 [including GST] INR 300 [including GST]
22(iii) Zeta sizer (Particle size analysis + Zeta potential) INR 200 [including GST] INR 400 [including GST] INR 600 [including GST]
23 Electrochemical work station Rs.200/Sample Rs.600/Sample Rs.1500/Sample

• Mode of payment:
Fee amount matching to the requested services can be paid through online transfer (NEFT/IMPS) to the following bank account. While paying, Please use a remark having "SCIF_<instrument name>", and make sure you have a transaction proof file with this remark to be uploaded while booking. The payment can also be done through demand draft (DD) in favor of "SRMIST Consultancy" payable at Chennai.

For online transfer:
Account Name: SRMIST Consultancy
Ac. No: 6338865174
Bank Name: Indian Bank
SRM University Branch
Branch Code - 1975
IFSC Code: IDIB000S181

• Acknowledgement:
Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users.

Please follow the following format for the acknowledgements:
For Electrochemical work station: We acknowledge the Central Research Facility (CRF) at SRMIST for the Electrochemical work station facility funded by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).

For Other instrument We acknowledge SCIF, SRMIST for providing the instrumentation facilities.

Important: All users must register online to reserve time.

• Common guidelines:
The guidelines for the particular facility as provided in the portal below to be followed & the users need to pay the exact fee as required for each booking.

Please prefer online transfer for the payment of the fee. While doing the payment, a remark with “SCIF_ instrument name” should be added & should appear in the payment proof. Please use the payment done in same month as the slot date and do not use old payments from earlier months or financial year.

While availing the service, please submit the hard copies of the approval email and payment proof for our records.

Facilities to be used for characterizing the samples from the user’s research group only. Kindly identify yourself to be the responsible user while availing the service. If found misusing, the registration of the user will be cancelled.

Any cancellations, the refund of the paid fee is not allowed. However, if unused, it can be reused upon request for another booking in SCIF with exactly matching service charges preferably within the same month. A signed request letter with details should be added along with the payment proof.

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the sample is required.
2) Before giving the sample for TEM analysis, it is suggested that each sample is characterized by any other techniques such as XRD, SEM, AFM etc. Proper justification need to be given for doing the TEM for each sample.
3) Samples for TEM measurements should be completely dry, vacuum & e-beam compatible. Magnetic samples especially magnetic powder samples cannot be analyzed by HRTEM. In case of very weakly magnetic/biological/any other special type of samples, please discuss with us/operator in advance - must include more details & justification in your slot request
4) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance. Your requests will be scrutinized and approval/rejection will be emailed to you well in advance to the slot date.
5) One can request the slot only along with the fee payment details & after uploading the clear proof of the payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number) in the on-line portal. The amount paid should match the request made including the additional charges for grid, EDS or sample preparation if any.
6) If the booked slots cannot be utilized, please cancel the slots blocked through If a service was not availed with valid approved cancellation in advance (at least 3 days prior to your booking date). If a service was not availed with valid approved cancellation in advance, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service after getting approval. Refund of fee/return of grids will NOT be entertained. this online portal well in advance (at least 3 days prior to your booking date). If the cancellation is not done so, or if the user is absent for the approved slots, the amount already paid will be processed as used and the user will not be allowed to re-use it for another booking.
7) We encourage that the sample preparation including the copper grids is arranged by the users and the prepared samples should be submitted (in person) well in advance to the slot time at the TEM facility.
8) One carbon coated copper grid (200 mesh) required for your upcoming slot can be obtained from the TEM lab, by paying additional Rs. 250 and submitting the relevant fee payment proof (subject to the availability of the grids). Please check with us at least one day in advance.
9) However, the sample preparation can be done in the adjacent room and the technician’s suggestion/help can be availed if required. We have very limited facilities for sample preparation. In case of external samples sent through courier/contacts, it’s mandatory to discuss the details with TEM lab in advance. Additional charges for sample handling etc. will apply.
10) Only 45 minutes one slot will be spent per one sample including the sample loading, data transfer etc . In one slot, limited number of BF and DF images, HR image, SAED pattern & EDS can be done with one sample. If more time is required or more samples to be done-more slots to be booked. STEM measurements with EDS mapping require minimum 2 continuous slots.
11) At least one person from the booked user’s group should be available during the use of TEM. Only one researcher (Faculty/PhD student) will be allowed to join the technician inside the TEM room during the analysis. Analyzing of external samples by mentioning them as internal samples is treated as the misuse of the machine, and the user groups will be banned from the booking process. In case of collaborative research, the samples of research part done by researchers of SRM Group is only considered as internal samples
12) Please bring relevant supporting data/literature to help the technician to know more about your sample & explain him about the expected results.
13) Data or the images will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
14) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund of fee/return of grids will NOT be entertained.
15) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc. arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users. .

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the sample is required.
2) Before giving the sample for HRSEM analysis, it is suggested that each sample is characterized by any other techniques such as XRD, SEM, and AFM etc. Proper justification need to be given for doing the HR-SEM for each sample.
3) Samples for HR-SEM measurements should be completely dry, vacuum &e-beam compatible. Magnetic samples can be analyzed by HRSEM, but only in opti-mode. Magnetic samples should be loaded separately, but not to be mixed with non-magnetic samples. For non-conductive/biological samples, the samples should be sputter coated with a metal such as gold/chromium to get high quality and high resolution images. In case of biological/wet samples, the samples should be dried in a critical point drier (CPD). Please discuss with us/operator in advance while imaging biological/wet/sensitive samples - include more details & justification in your slot request. Note that gold coating and use of CPD will be charged extra. Samples requiring sputter coating or critical point point drying need to be submitted one day in advance.
4) Powder samples cannot be allowed to image directly. Either make them into pellets or disperse in suitable solvent and dry them on silicon or glass substrates.
5) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance. Your requests will be scrutinized and approval/rejection will be emailed to you well in advance to the slot date.
6) One can request the slot only along with the fee payment details & after uploading the clear proof of the payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number) in the on-line portal. The amount paid should match the request made including the additional charges for sputter coating, CPD, copper grids (only for STEM Mode) and sample preparation charges, if any.
7) If the booked slots cannot be utilized, please cancel the slots blocked through this online por- tal well in advance (at least 3 days prior to your booking date). In case of slots cancelled within three days of your booking date or absent for your booked slots, the amount paid will be as- sumed as usage charges. The amount paid will not be refunded or allowed to use for any other SCIF facilities.
8) If a service was not availed, i.e., cancelled slots with the approval of admin, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund of fee will NOT be entertained.
9) We encourage that the sample preparation including the aluminium stubs is arranged by the users and the prepared samples should be submitted well in advance to the slot time at the SEM facility. As limited stubs are available, it is advised to arrange your own stubs to avoid any delay in usage due to sample preparation.
10) The sample preparation can be done in the adjacent room (RRP 004) and the technician’s suggestions/help can be availed if required. However, it will be charged extra, refer the usage charges.
11) Timing of the slots should be strictly followed. It includes the sample loading, imaging and data transfer etc.
12) At least one person from the booked user’s group should be available during the use of SEM machine. Only one researcher/research scholar will be allowed to join the technician inside the SEM room during the SEM imaging. Imaging of outside samples by mentioning as internal samples is treated as the misuse of the machine, and the user groups will be banned from the booking process. In case of collaborative research, the samples of research part done by researcher’s of SRM Group is only considered as internal samples.
13) For samples imaged in the absence of users (postal samples), the extra service charges are applicable. Refer the usage charges section.
14) Please bring relevant supporting data/literature to help the technician to know more about your sample & explain him about the expected results.
15) Data or the images will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
16) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users. .

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the sample is required.
2) Please wear powder free gloves and use nuclease free tips before loading nucleic acid samples onto the Nano Quant Plate. Clean the plate carefully after every use.
3) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance.
4) Within two days you will get your request approved and email will be sent.
5) If the booked slots cannot be utilized, please cancel the slots blocked through this online portal well in advance.
6) Only 45 minutes (one slot) will be spent for one booking including cleaning, data transfer etc. If more time is required or more samples to be done-more slots can be booked.
7) Maximum two researchers, faculty/research scholar will be allowed to join the technician inside the instrument room during sample measurement.
8) Please bring relevant supporting data/literature to help the technician to know more about your sample & explain about expected results.
9) Data or the images will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
10) You may acknowledge the facility if you proceed for any journal publications.

1) You may send a request to avail the facility with necessary detains of the samples
2) You may give slot request only through online at least prior a week
3) You may receive an approval mail within 2-3 days
4) You may please cancel the slot(s) online if booked slot(s) cannot be used
5) You will be given half a day per slot. You may the book the second slot too if needed more time
6) A maximum of only 2 persons will be allowed to use the facility per slot
7) You may bring your own consumables to run your experiment. No consumables will be provided from the facility. You may be allowed to use only the facility free of cost
8) You may carry out the sample preparation in the working area provided
9) You may bring supporting documents/literatures for sample preparation
10) You may clean the working platform before you would start your experiment
11) You must bring a CD of your own to take out the results from the facility. Results may be deleted once your slot is completed. The facility is not responsible for the any of your results once you step out of the facility
12) You may acknowledge the facility if you proceed for any journal publications.

1) You may send a request to avail the facility with necessary detains of the samples.
2) You may give slot request only through online at least prior a week regarding the use.
3) You may receive an approval mail within 2-3 days.
4) You may please cancel the slot(s) online if booked slot(s) cannot be used.
5) You will be given 30 minutes per slot. You may the book the second slot too if needed more time.
6) A maximum of only 2 persons will be allowed to use the facility per slot.
7) You may bring your own consumables needed. No consumables will be provided from the facility. You may be allowed to use only the facility free of cost.
8) You may carry out the sample preparation in the working area provided.
9) You may bring supporting documents/literatures for sample preparation.
10) You may clean the working platform before you would start your experiment.
11) You must bring a CD of your own to take out the results from the facility. Results may be deleted once your slot is completed. The facility is not responsible for the any of your results once you step out of the facility.
12) You may acknowledge the facility if you proceed for any journal publications.

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the sample is required.
2) Before giving the sample for TOC analysis, it is suggested that each sample is studied by UV analysis.
3) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance.
4) On booking the slots, the fee has to be paid either through demand draft (DD) in favor of “SRMIST Consultancy” payable at Chennai or through online transfer (NEFT/IMPS).
Within two days you will get your request approved and email will be sent. One can use the slot by submitting the proof of the fee payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number) to the TOC operator in the Energy and Environmental Remediation Lab (EERL).

5) If the booked slots cannot be utilized, please cancel the slots blocked through this online portal well in advance.
6) The sample prepared should be minimum 15 mL – 20 mL for the analysis.
7) The sample flow line diameter is 0.5 mm. Therefore, in order to prevent clogging, any particle larger than this size should be eliminated from the sample, for example by means of sedimentation.
8) Once the sample is ready make sure sample is completely filtered, (it should be completely free from catalyst).
9) The sample must be stored and sealed properly in order to prevent the exposure to carbon content.
10) Please bring relevant supporting data/literature to help the technician to know more about your sample & explain him about the expected results.
11) Data will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
12) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund will NOT be entertained.
13) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc. arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users.

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the sample is required.
2) Before giving the sample for HRMS analysis, it is suggested that each sample is characterized by any other techniques such as GCMS, and 1HNMR etc. Proper justification need to be given for doing the HRMS for each sample.
3) Samples for HRMS measurements should be organic molecules, metal complexes soluble in Water, Acetonitrile or Methanol.
4) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance.
5) Please make the fee payment as per the norms, and upload the proof of the fee payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number) online. Within two days you will get your request approved and email will be sent.
6) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund of fee will NOT be entertained.
7) If the booked slots cannot be utilized, please cancel the slots blocked through this online portal well in advance.
8) Suitably prepared samples should be submitted in advance to the slot time at the HRMS facility.
9) Only up to 60 minutes (one slot) will be spent per one sample including the sample loading, data transfer etc. If more time is required or more samples to be done-more slots can be booked.
10) Maximum two researchers, faculty/research scholar will be allowed to join the technician inside the HRMS room during the sample observation.
11) Please bring relevant supporting data/literature to help the technician to know more about your sample & explain him about the expected results.
12) Data will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
13) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users. .

1)Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the operation is required.
2) Mini micro pulse Lidar Operation Procedure:
• Make sure that power supply and air conditioner are working properly.
• Maintain the room temperature below 20˚C
• Switch on the main power for Lidar and laptop
• Open the lid of laser
• Switch on the power of Lidar and Laptop
• Switch on the laser power key.
• In Laptop open sigma MPL software and click data collecting option.
• Once the data collection started check the laser energy and temperature which has to maintain that laser energy above 3 μj and temperature should below 25 ˚C.
3)Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance
4) Once it is approved, please make the fee payment as per the norms. One can use the slot by submitting the proof of the fee payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number).
5)If the booked slots cannot be utilized, please cancel the slots blocked through this online portal well in advance.
6)The specific duration of the lidar operation based on the requirement on the regular mode or campaign mode will be considered and booked for 3 days per month. Maximum two researchers, faculty/research scholar will be allowed to join the technician inside the instrument room during Lidar Operation.
7) Data transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
8)If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund of fee will NOT be entertained.
9)Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users. .

1) Prior request from the user is required.
2)There is no fee required for the use of microscope. The user has to bring CD for copying the data.

1) Prior request from the user is required.
2) Quartz tubes with diameter 10 mm or less can be vacuum sealed.
3) Quartz tubes can be availed at an additional cost.
4) If service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund of fee will NOT be entertained.

1)Prior request from the user is required.
2)If service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund of fee will NOT be entertained.

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details is required.
2) Before requesting for the PL measurement, it is required that each sample is characterized by basic characterization techniques such as XRD, UV-visible spectroscopy.
3) Prior to online request, user need to 1) find out the necessary parameters such as excitation wavelength, emission range etc. based on the literature or inputs from other experiments technique such as UV-visible spectroscopy. 2) Estimate properly the number of recordings needed and the slot duration required.
4) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance. If a measurement other than recording of the regular room temperature PL spectra is required, before requesting online, please contact us.
5) Duration: Please estimate as per the number of recordings required. Generally, if a sample loading was followed by one measurement, we can do 3-4 samples in an hour. If the measurements are only by quickly changing some measurement parameter after loading one sample, then about 10 recordings may be possible with one hour time. Measurements other than regular PL will require more time. Please contact PL lab.
6) The requested number of measurements/recordings possible in the duration of the slot booked only will be done. Please make a correct estimate of the required number of recordings and accordingly the slot time required. Change in the slot duration will not be entertained.
7) Consumables if necessary for one’s experiment such as solvents, standard samples, liquid nitrogen etc, should be arranged by the user.
8) Please make the fee payment as per the norms. Requests will be approved only after the user uploads the proof of the fee payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number). Within a week or so, you can expect an update from us about the measurement date & timings.
9) If a request was made and you are not in a position to do the measurement on the date & time offered, please cancel the request through this online portal immediately.
10) Users should plan the sample preparation accordingly if any and bring the prepared sample to the PL lab well before the said time.
Sample requirements:
a) Liquid samples – clear and homogenous solution, minimum 2.5ml, maximum- 4.5ml (concentration- OD 2.)
b) Powder samples- Fine powder, minimum 0.5g required.
c) Films/coated samples- uniform surface, size- 2 cm* 2 cm
11) The operator will help the user to load the prepared samples followed by the requested measurements.
12) At least one faculty or PhD research scholar from the user’s group should be present with the technician during the sample measurement.
13) User can bring relevant supporting data/literature to help the technician to know more about the sample & explain about the expected results.
14) Data will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
15) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service through a fresh request. Refund of fee will NOT be entertained.
16) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc. arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users.

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details is required.
2) Before requesting for the optical profilometer measurement, it is required that each sample is characterized by basic characterization techniques such as UV-visible spectroscopy (opaque sample or sample reflectivity greater than 5% is needed).
3) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance.
4) Duration: Generally, if a sample loading, focusing scanning was followed by only one measurement, we can do 4-5 samples in an hour. Please include the time for analysis as required.
5) Within a week or so, you will get an update from us about the measurement date & timings. Please make the fee payment as per the norms. Slots will be approved only after uploading the proof of the fee payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number).
6) If a request was made and you are not in a positon to do the measurement on the provided date & time, please cancel the request through this online portal immediately.
7) The operator will help the user to analyze the sample followed by doing the requested measurements.
8) The requested number of measurements/recordings possible in the duration of the slot booked only will be done. Please make a correct estimate of the required number of recordings and accordingly the slot time required. Change in the slot duration will not be entertained.
9) At least one faculty or Ph. D.research scholar should be present with the technician during the sample measurement.
10) Data will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
11) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service.
12) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc. arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users.

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details is required.
2) Users should plan fabrication of the devices with options for taking proper contacts and bring the prepared sample to the lab well before the said time.
3) Before requesting for the I-V measurement under the solar simulator, it is required that each device is tested for proper contacts and I-V in dark condition.
4) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance.
5) Within a week or so, you will get an update from us about the measurement date & timings. Please make the fee payment as per the norms. Slots will be approved only after uploading the proof of the fee payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number).
6) If a request was made and you are not in a positon to do the measurement on the provided date & time, please cancel the request through this online portal immediately.
7) The operator will help the user to connect the devices to the I-V meter followed by doing the requested measurements.
8) The requested number of measurements/recordings will be done only if the slot time allows the same. Please make a correct estimate of the slot time required. Change in the slot duration will not be entertained.
9) At least one faculty or PhD research scholar should be present with the technician during the sample measurement.
10) Data will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
11) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service.
12) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users.

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the sample is required.
2) Before giving the sample for STM analysis, it is suggested that each sample is characterized by any other technique such as XRD, FESEM, AFM, EDS, surface profiling etc. Proper justification need to be given for using the STM facility for each sample.
3) Samples for STM analysis should be completely dry & should be coated on a conductive substrate (e.g. HOPG, Gold coated mica substrate etc). Powder samples (uncoated) cannot be analyzed by STM. Please discuss with us/operator in advance - include more details & justification in your slot request. No samples will be entertained without prior discussion.
4) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance.
5) Within two days you will get your request approved and an Email will be sent. Once it is approved, please make the fee payment as per the norms. One can use the slot by submitting the proof of the fee payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number) to the STM operator in the STM lab.
6) If the booked slots cannot be utilized, please cancel it through this online portal well in advance.
7) The prepared samples should be submitted in advance to the slot time at the STM facility.
8) Only 90 minutes (one slot) will be spent per sample including the sample loading, data transfer etc. If more time is required or more samples are to be done, more slots have to be booked.
9) Only one researcher (faculty/research scholar), will be allowed to join the technician inside the STM room during the sample observation.
10) Please bring relevant supporting data/literature to help the technician to know more about your sample & explain him about the expected results.
11) Data or the images will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
12) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund of fee will NOT be entertained.
13) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users. .

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the sample is required.
2) Before giving the sample for qPCR analysis, it is suggested to bring the following contents,
• FastStart Essential DNA Green Master, 2x concentrated.
• Water, PCR Grade
• Reaction setup requires the addition of template DNA and primers. The mix can be used with different types of DNA (e.g., genomic, cDNA).
• Disposable 96 well plates or 8 tube strips (suitable for LightCycler® 96 Real-Time PCR System)
3) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance.
4) Within two days you will get your request approved and email will be sent. Once it is approved, please make the fee payment as per the norms. One can use the slot by submitting the proof of the fee payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number).
5) If the booked slots cannot be utilized, please cancel the slots blocked through this online portal well in advance.
6) Only 2 to 3 hours (one slot) will be spent per. If more time is required or more samples to be done-more slots can be booked.
7) Data or the images will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
8) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund of fee/return of grids will NOT be entertained.
9) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users. .

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the sample is required.
2) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance.
3) On booking the slots, the fee has to be paid either through demand draft (DD) in favor of “SRMIST Consultancy” payable at Chennai or through online transfer (NEFT/IMPS). Within two days you will get your request approved and email will be sent. One can use the slot by submitting the proof of the fee payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number) to the Trace Analyser operator in the Energy and Environmental Remediation Lab (EERL).
4) If the booked slots cannot be utilized, please cancel the slots blocked through this online portal well in advance.
5) The sample prepared should be in a liquid state.
6) Please bring relevant supporting data/literature to help the technician to know more about your sample & explain him about the expected results.
7) Data will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
8) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund will NOT be entertained.
9) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users.

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the sample is required.
2) Before giving the sample for HPLC analysis, it is suggested that each sample is studied by TLC analysis and the right solvents are to be studied.
3) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance by paying the necessary fee and uploading the payment proof as per the guidelines.
4) Within two days you will get your request approved and email will be sent. One can use the slot by submitting the proof of the fee payment (DD or receipt for online transfer with UTR number/IMPS number) to the HPLC operator in the Energy and Environmental Remediation Lab (EERL).
5) If the booked slots cannot be utilized, please cancel the slots blocked through this online portal well in advance.
6) The sample prepared should be minimum 2mL for the analysis.
7) The users must bring with them the required capillary tube.
8) Once the sample is ready make sure sample is completely filtered, (it should be completely free from catalyst) or dissolved in the suitable solvent.
9) Please bring relevant supporting data/literature to help the technician to know more about your sample & explain him about the expected results
10) Data will be transferred to CD only. Please bring your CD for the same.
11) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund will NOT be entertained.
12) Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users.

1) Prior request from the user is required.
2) If service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund of fee will not be entertained.

1) Prior request from the faculty user with necessary details about the sample is required.
2) Please make the slot request only through this online portal well in advance.
3) The fee has to be paid either through demand draft (DD) in favour of “SRMIST Consultancy” payable at Chennai or through online transfer (NEFT/IMPS).
4) If a service was not availed, the payment made can be adjusted towards an upcoming similar service. Refund will NOT be entertained.
5) Important note that the users should bring all necessary materials (Electrodes and solvent) to operate the instrument.
Any journal publications/presentations/proceedings etc. arising out of the research facility must be acknowledged by the users.